Tinyism (or Tinism) is a political philosophy that believes current empires and nation-states should be fractured! shattered! dissolved! into thousands of independent micro-states and city-states. This action would vastly-improve democracy and enhance economies - statistics indicate small nations are usually the happiest and most peaceful. Tinyism is similar to the ideologies of Localism, Municipalism, and Minarchism.

The goal of Tinyism is a world in which every locality is its own sovereign state. Founder JonahF2014 believes “if you can’t want to your government capital in under a day, your country shouldn’t exist.”

Separatist/Independence movements are encouraged by Tinyism, especially in today’s Myanmar, Khalistan, Dravida Nadu, Puerto Rico, Tigray, Flanders, Palestine/Israel, California, Biafra, Rif, and Kurdistan.

Email ideas, essays & visionary maps to: MegaMouthRebels@gmail.com